TREATING VITILIGO-What do doctors recommend?

Useful tips for treatment of children and adults with vitiligo condition with Melagenin Plus formulation.

  • Apply Melagenin Plus  daily and at the same time (each 24 hours)
  • Apply  Melagenin Plus with your fingertips (hands must be clean) while slightly massaging and covering depigmented areas, including genital area (no not use cotton or cotton disks).
  • Do not apply  Melagenin Plus to hairy parts of the head (there is no need in that)
  • Apply Melagenin Plus gently, without inunction, around the eyelids, lips, female genitals and anus area.
  • Do not apply Melagenin Plus  more often than prescribed by the physician (treatment efficiency will not change).
  • There are no dietary limitations during  Melagenin Plus treatment.
  • Consumption of alcohol and smoking are harmful for your health; however, they have no effect on Melagenin Plus treatment efficiency.
  • Avoid direct sunlight exposure between 11:00 am – 17:00 pm.
  • Sun bathes are allowed till 11:00 am and from 17:00 pm till 19:00 pm, while using the dermal photo protective spray (should be applied to the whole body).
  • It is allowed to use other medications, except for:
    • other vitiligo treatment substances (psoralens)
    • antiallergenic and antitumor substances, such as corticosteroids (cortisone family)
    • antineoplastic drug substances (cytostatic drugs)
  • It is necessary to avoid any types of makeup inasmuch as it decreases the effectiveness of Melagenin Plus.
  • It is allowed to go to bed, wash hands or take the shower in one hour after applying  Melagenin Plus.
  • Should you require sedatives due to constant stress, please consult a psychology or psychiatry specialist.
  • Perfume should be applied to clothes but not directly to the skin.
  • All types of bath soaps are allowed (except for medicated soap).
  • You may use any type of shaving foams. Amniotic therapy line after-shave lotions are highly recommended. Females should avoid hair removal with Sulphur.
  • Patients with underarm areas depigmentation may use any deodorants provided that such deodorants are applied in one hour after using  Melagenin Plus.
  • Any non-medical shampoo is allowed for washing hair.
  • Females are allowed to use hair-dyes and nail polish.

Despite proper Melagenin Plus treatment protocols, there is a 40% risk of condition deterioration (emergence of new discoloration areas or enlargement of already existing ones).

This is a NORMAL condition during first 6 months and up to one year since the commencement of treatment. These symptoms bear no signs of a negative prognosis and patient should continue the treatment course (temporary response of the organism to treatment, which will eventually wear off).

Please note that treatment is a sustained process, results of which are relatively slow to manifest. This should not discourage you. Please observe due discipline, patience and treatment course consistency until full disappearance of all affected areas.

After complete re-pigmentation of all areas, treatment is considered final. Disease recurrences will not happen even upon repetitive stressful situations

Dermatologist Alina Vikeira Fuentefria Center of Placental Histotherapy (Havana, CUBA)


Treatment programs